Orange Oil Vs. 'Orange Perfume'
Many of ATC's competitors claim they are using a high concentration of Orange Oil but are actually using inferior products with D-Limonene fragrance along with an aerisol petroleum based killing agent. This industry practice is misleading to the client. Below is a list of orange oil derivative products...
Prescription Treatment(R) brand ProCitra-DL(TM) Contact Insecticide
(Selections from the product's Material Safety Data Sheet)
Active Ingredient :
90% Petroleum Distillate
Additive Ingredient : 10% organic compound D-Limonene aka Orange Oil
* All ingredients may not be listed. Ingredients not listed do not meet the reporting requirements of the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) as specified in 29 CFR 1910.1200.
Physician Notes Regarding Petroleum Distillate
Signs/Symptoms of Exposure:
Can cause stomach irritation, resulting in nausea, cramps and vomiting. Vomiting may cause aspiration pneumonia. No specific antidote is available. Can cause nervous system disorders such as fatigue, dizziness, headache, lack of coordination, tremors and unconsciousness. Treat patient symptomatically.
First Aid Measures:
Inhalation: Move person to fresh air. If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, then give artificial respiration, preferably mouth-to-mouth if possible. Call a poison control center for further treatment .
Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.
Eye Contact: Hold eyes open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eyes. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.
Non-Orange Oil Competitors
This is a partial list of companies that in fact use an aersol can of ProCitra-DL (described above) that contains 90% petroleum distillate and only 10% D-Limonene. This is a false claim to confuse homeowners that are shopping for the original California certified pesticide D-Limonene in a pure concentrated form.
1) Andy's Termite Company (11) Bug Central
2) Hydrex Pest Control Company (12) Prime Termite
3) Brothers Termite Company (13) Central Termite
4) Southern California Exterminators (14) Marine Termite Control
5) Lone Star Termite Company (15) Western Drywood Termite Exterminators
6) Terry Pest Control (16) Bug Masters Co.
7) EcoSmart (17) Stanley Pest Control
8) Accuracy Plus California (18) Northwest Termite
9) Revolex Termite Co. (19) Golden Pacific Termite
10) Orange Exterminators
& More are sure to follow with Orange Oil treatments gaining traction in customer satisfaction.
Be sure to ask your inspector what grade of organic D-Limonene they use during your inspection!
Americana Termite uses the highest concentrate on the market with 95 % and delivers the termiticide
without ozone depleting aersol sprays.
SIMPLY ORANGE: How Orange Oil Has Been Industry Proven to Work
by Gary Woolery
Over the past decade, I have witnessed numerous online arguments and several industry reports displaying competing information regarding the emergence of the organic product known as D-Limonene or more commonly known "Orange Oil." Lets set the record straight. Orange Oil is now delivered through a number of household and pesticide products but any/all scientific research to establish the pesticide efficiency has been conducted only with XT-2000, a superior product with a concentration of 95% pure oil. Before industry-wide adoption of this organic termiticide several renowned professors needed to address their scientific concerns with regulated studies. It was found that the total mortality rates for this product ranged from 97.4% to 100% in a field case study from 2006.
Scheffran, R.H. et al 1997
Scheffran, R.H. September 9, 2003
Meyles, T. and Borges, P. August 2006
In 2008, Vernard Lewis was the lead investigator in a technical release conducted by the Univ. of California Berkley with the study funding stemming from Dow Chemical. Dow Chemical is a manufacturer of Vikane gas, the main component of lethal gas used for termite fumigation. This technical release has created a biased and flawed view online and here are the reasons why.
(A) The study in question did not conform to the standard testing that was required to validate the organic compound.
Dr. Lewis required only 3 boards to be used where as for a full scientific study the area tested was on average 8 boards.
(B) This study lists that the test product used as XT-2000 but upon further review Dr. Lewis states that his test product
was obtained from Formulated Solutions in Woodside, NY. This custom chemical laboratory does not manufacture or
distribute 'orange oil' as it is labeled for regulated termite use.
(C) This study did not involve a certified trained XT-2000 professional as directed by the chemical distributor. The chemical
applicator used in the study was an employee of Dow Chemical which has a vested interest in the direct competition with
Orange Oil companies.
(D) Dow Chemical Co. financed Dr. Lewis with $2 million dollars to conduct his study at UC Berkley. Where as the original
efficiency study completed by the Univ. of Florida in 1997 was a research based inquiry and was funded fully on less than
half this amount.
For these reasons, Lewis' "Technical Inquiry" falls short from establishing itself as a true scientific study. This study attempted to unlock whether Orange Oil is a potent termiticide but in reality this study was an inquiry based upon the fumigation industries vested interest in branding D-Limonene as inferior.
As an owner/operator of an alternative treatment company I have often heard, "People say that the ONLY 100% way to kill drywood termites is with lethal fumigation!" Many of the termite industry will have you believe this but several studies point to quite the opposite. A well regarded study with the Pest Control Operators Assoc. (1995) found that consistent with callbacks, an estimate of efficacy was that 26% to 37% of all structures fumigated in Los Angeles showed evidence of termite infestation within 3 to 5 years. Reinfestation was a likely cause for these findings but the conclusion was that this sizeable percentage reflected a margin of fumigation failure.
Ebeling/Wagner 1964 study on fumigation effectiveness
Ebeling 1975 fumigation failure study
The same lead investigator from UC Berkeley also administered an industry study in regards to fumigation. Lewis, Vernard/Haverty 1996 study found termites alive where the wood had retained a high moisture content during the fumigation.
There are many common factors that can decrease an effective fumigation;
(1) High winds cause fumigation tarps to open (wind 25 mph or higher)
(2) Outdoor temp falls below 50 degrees Farenheit (Months this can occur November through April)
(3) Human/ Technician error in calculation of proper fumigation dosage as per volume/size of property
(4) Existing Tarp damage (holes) disrupting air-tight seal
(5) Energy efficient homes that have increased insulation or have applied varying types of drywall thickness may have an
effect upon the circulation of lethal gas
Not every home, in my professional opinion can be successfully treated with Orange Oil. And by that same token, not every house that exhibits termite evidence needs to be tarped and fumigated. A trained termite inspector should be able to locate and determine whether a colony has grown beyond that of a 'local infestation.' The ratio that we have found at Americana Termite Co. is that 80% of our inspections are viable for the orange oil method with roughly 20% being recommended for fumigation.
Here are some reasons we have found NOT to use Orange Oil. (1) Termites and termite damage is everywhere (5 or more wall voids) and this is indicative of a 20 yr old colony. (2) Infestation is emanating from multiple In-Accessible areas due to architectural design. (3) Extensive infestation and termite damage to a wood shake shingle roof.
The key to determining the correct method of treatment is only by conducting a thorough inspection. A true inspection should take approximately 1 to 2 hours and only then can a professional opinion be rendered. Of the 12 certified XT-2000 companies, Americana Termite Company is the oldest active termite company with over 3 decades of experience with alternative methods. After a decade of use in the industry, D-Limonene has been proven to be safe for health conscious homeowners and it is my company's opinion that Orange Oil PLUS at 95% concentration is a superior product when used AS DIRECTED.
Open M - F (8 am - 4 pm )
weekend inspections available
(562) 494-6737